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Tired now.........................

I hate not having a car. I hate being stuck in the rain in a village that closes on a Monday waiting for a bus. I hate having an assignment that I can't finish. I'm fed up of being tired all the time and feeling stupid because I can't do something I need to be able to do.

I'm SO tired!

Went to work this morning. Did my shift and wondered across Glasson to the bus stop. It was raining (still is) and I had 45 mins till the the once-every-two-hours bus turned up. But the thought of sitting in the cafe with a pot of tea and maybe a sticky bun, or a piece of quiche, kept me going. Until I got to the cafe and found it's shut on mondays and tuesdays. So I thought I'd kill some time in the gift shop. That's shut too. The pub? Closed. Too early for the lunch trade at 11.30am.


So I stood in the rain for 50 mins (the bus was late). And then walked from town to home. In the rain. I was very soggy and not very happy when I got home. Still, it's better than saturday when I missed the bus and had to hide in the pub for 2 hours, nursing one pint (as I had no more money) waiting for the next one, much to the landlords disgust.

I rang the garage about the poor little Micra. They're working on it right now. Could have it back for Thursday. Great... another day on the bus, and probably the train on Thursday if the car's not ready by 3pm.

The deadline is ticking ever closer for the assignment too. Less than 3 days left. I still can't do that wish list. I've been on forum after forum asking for help, scoured the internet for similar scripts. Can't find one. So I've done as much of the rest as I can, even the final report. That just needs the intro, conclusion and wishlist sections writtingup. The rest is done. I'm home all day tomorrow so I'll have another go then.

Insidentally, if anyone out there can help, that's be great. This is the cookie I have been given:

var cookieString = 'copperfry:20 inch copper pan=prodblank&' +
'greenfry:20 inch green pan=prodblank&' +
'silverfry:20 inch silver pan with cover=product1&' +
'redfry:20 inch red pan=prodblank';

// function to update/create a new session cookie for
// the current domain, where the name of the cookie
// is 'name' and the data stored in the cookie is in
// the 'value'
function SetCookie(name, value) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value);

// set the cookie

And this is what I have to do with it:

Where copperfry is the image (copperfry.jpg) and prodblank is the link (prodblank.htm)

It's not just the assignment I need this for either. This would be a great function for my own web sites!

On a plus note, I have lost a little more weight with all this walking around, and not being able to buy junk from the supermarket. I'm back to where I was before we went to france, which is still a month behind and not very good, but better!


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