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What you get for procrastinating

Do you recall a little while ago I got a flat tire?(Bloody hell, was it THAT long ago? I deserve this then!)

Well, I never got round to getting a replacement, I just kept putting it off and off and off thinking 'oh, it's not been that long, as soon as I have a bit more cash I'll pop down to the garage and get a replacement'.

Yesterday evening that came back to bite me on the arse!

5 past 5 and it's time to set off to collect Yorkie from work. As I'm backing out of our road I can't help but notice that the car does not feel right at all, and seems to be dragging to the right. The road is double parked all the way, and by now someone else is waiting to come down the other way, so I have to continue to the end of the road, clear out of the way for this other car, and then pull up again. I get out, and sure enough, my last remaining old tire... is as flat as the proverbial pancake! Arse!

So now I know HOW to change a tire... but I don't have a usable spare. Oh, and today Yorkie doesn't have his mobile phone on him. Double arse!

I dash back into the house, call Yorkie's work who - for once answer the phone - and ask them to pass the message on that I have a flat and wont be able to pick him up. Then I call the local garage. And fib. I said I blew them both within 4 days. Just so I don't get told off and tormented by the boys. Shameful.

Good news is that they will happily sort me out with two brand spanking new tires - Vikings like my front two. But not until the day after because they had none in stock, but they could order them now and have them for the morning. That means I have to drive my car - with a flat - to the garage in the morning. Not something I relish doing, even if it is only 0.14 of a mile (according to the AA).

But at least it's done. I got my car back today just in time to go to work - even if I am £60 lighter for it. I have 4 good tires now (Viking are guaranteed for 2 years you know) and the spare is back in it's place.

But I will remember this... and when I get another flat (hopefully not for another 2 years minimum) I'll go and buy a replacement THE SAME WEEK!


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