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How brillaint am I?

I must confess to shamefull feelings of superiority today!

I have just finishing booking and arranging payment for my hen night! That's it... all done now bar posting off one cheque.

We have a hotel for the night.
We have a show at Wicked (male lap dancing and a drag show)
We have transport from the hotel to the club (Limos, no less!)
We have bubbly

I have the train times too and from Blackpool, I have my guest list. Everything is all sotered and all tickey-boo!

Yorkie on the other hand....

Well. yesterday we went for lunch with Mark & Gemma. Partly to catch up, but maily so that groom and best man could do the whole stag night (weekend) thing, as Yorkie had done NOTHING! This is despite both me and Mark nagging at him to get stuff done for months and months.

While we were eating lunch in town they were set on having a camping trip in Ireland, maybe near a brewery so they could have tour and a free drink, and then get utterly lashed afterwards. Once upon a time it was going to be field archery, and even though I made contact with people who could organise that and passed that info to Yorkie, he did nothing and left it too late ( I think Mark did the same too) .

So once we all ened up back at our house the boys took themselves off up the home-office and started tapping away on the old t'internet, and calling people up to see if they were free to come. Shockingly some people can't make it at such sort notice. Oh, and finding transport over to Ireland isn't easy or cheap at such short notice either. By about 10pm they thought they had at least sorted out who was coming and how they were getting to Ireland so I took Mark & Gemma home. When we got back, Yorkie discovered something horrendous. The ticket price for the flight isn't the whole cost (no, really??) and the charges and taxes more than double the total cost of transport per person. This now means that the cost per person for the weekend goes up from £65.00 to about £100.00.

Poor lad ended up surfing the net until well after midnight, getting more and more stressed before finally jacking it in for the night. He was on again before work this morning and may have found a soluction. A cheaper flight, with another airline. Sounds great, only the price is still different, from what he's told everyone, and now all the times are buggered up for everyone too. They'll end up going for two nights still, but effectively only get 1 day to do anything instead of 1 and 2 half days. Oh, and did I mention that it would have to be paid for by midnight TONIGHT and he has no money left (I'll bail him out, he does the same for me).

It's all been a bit of a nightmare and it's still no where near sorted out yet. Plus they have to find accomodation now as camping is out of the question with the new set up.

I've been the perfect supportive understanding missus through all this, but inside I am shouting "I BLOODY WELL TOLD YOU SO! YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS MONTHS AGO! Like I did...." (hence smug). But I do have faith in him, and he always lands on his feet. I'm sure he'll have a great time doing what ever he does... but it should have been sorted out a long long time ago! Then he could be on the way to the stag weekend of his dreams and not something he's had to cobble together at the last minute.


Rainypete said…
Yorkie sounds a lot like me. I never did anything planned either. We just went pub crawling and worked a strip club or two into the list.

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