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Trip to the In Laws

I ought to know by now that when Jenny says she'll have "a room and some bedding sorted out" for us when we come over to visit, that that is just what we get. And I mean JUST! A room with no bed, curtains, or door. Just an airbed (deflated) and some bedding. We had to laugh! For about 20 mins Jenny and I tried to use duck tape to stick a make-shift curtain up over the window but it was useless and just kept falling down. In the end we slept in the living room!

Always an adventure!

I hated the drive there, and the drive back. I'm still not happy in the car on the motorway. It's as though I've stopped trusting the car. Or myself to drive it safely. But needless to say we got there and back and all as we should be.

Jenny is making progress with the house, aside from not having guest room yet. Her room looks great, the kitchen is well on the way with it's new units, and the bathroom's looking good too. I'm envious that she's managed to get something done while I haven't got the money to even start on our home yet. Still... there's time.

We called round to see Rachel, Gary and the kiddies (just in time for Dr Who) and Yorkie got swarmed over again with many cries of "uncle Mark, uncle Mark!" I hope he feels guilty for not spending enough time with his nephews! Then maybe we can go to see them more often!

Sunday we went round to see his mum and have lunch (Roast Lamb, yummy). Rachel and the gang came too. Kate's found some fabric that should serve as liner for Yorkie's jacket, and liner / backing for the waist coats for my dad and the best man. She's cut me some off (with great difficulty as her fabric scissors had blunt and she could only use embroidery ones instead) so that I can give it to Fay to make my dad's waist coat.

But it was too short a trip. Just the one night and then back home to our cats - who were stressed out about being left for a night even with more food than most zoo's get through in a month. Muppet sulked and Fizgig didn't stop charging round the house for about 3 hours, jumping of Muppets head, which just turned her sulk into an all out rage. Cats, eh?


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