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Weekend Away

Another one... My poor little car isn't used to making 300 mile round trips every few weeks! And neither am I! Yorkie's lucky, he gets to sleep in the car being a non-driver. Me? Well, I have to cope with winds and rain lashing the car and getting bounced around in general by the weather in what is suposed to be a city car.

It's shattering!

But still, it has to be done so I do it, and I do like going to visit his family (soon to be my in-laws).

Jenny is on a well deserved holiday after her exams so we stayed at Kates this time. She's looking after Jenny's cat as well as her own two, and poor Olly was a bit shy - until he recognised us and have us a friendly laserating...

We mainly went over so that Yorkie could try on the jacket Kate is making him for the wedding. The bodice is well on the way, and the jacket skirt and sleaves were pinned on while he wore it to get it right.

It looks great! It's a brilliant shape for him, showing off how broad his shoulders are and bringing him in at the wasit. Very flattering indeed! I can't wait to see it finished.

We're off down again in two weeks for another fitting for him.

It was very sad to hear from Dad that none of my family aside from him and my mother will be coming to the wedding. I know this is because Nan is very sick in hospital, but I can't help but feel that they wouldn't have come anyway, unless some one came to bring Nan. I don't know any of my family on my dad' side apart from Nan and without her I know I'll never see or hear from them again. Mum's an only child and has next to no family either... My side of the wedding will be empty.

This is why I am thrilled that Yorkie is speaking to his Dad again. We nipped in for an hour yesterday and dropped off a wedding invite for them. There's a chance they wont come, but these are good steps to having them included in our lives, and the lives of our children. I don't want them to miss out on having a family like me. It's cruel to make a child suffer because a person doesn't get on with thier parents.

I'm working this afternoon, and tomorrow I am off to do the dress shop for Jacquie and her daughters... Hopefully on Wednesday I'll be able to get some college work done. And maybe find some time to SLEEP!


Rainypete said…
I can't believe it's coming up so fast! Pay no mind to the family that wouldn't come. While it is nice to have a pile of people show up it is better to have those that matter. I think I knew something like 40% of the people at my wedding.

Good luck on the sleep......if you find any to spare just toss it in the post would you please?
MummaWalker said…
I know! It's all a bit scary and grown up!

Got an RSVP off someone today... don't know who they are. I blame Mum.

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