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Goodbye Nan

Short post.

I got a phone call from my Dad yesterday morning, just as I was getting ready for work. As soon as he said hello I knew what had happened.

Nan died yesterday morning.

She'd come home from the hospital last weekend - they could no nothing more for her and she hated being there - so she was happy at home and she wasn't alone. Anne and her kids are staying there, and I would imagine that Brenda may have been there too. And of course her beloved dachshund too (named Bruce Willis.... My Nan's great!) so I guess if there are good ways 'to go' she got one.

I'm not up to posting a lot about this just yet. Maybe later, maybe not at all. In the meantime, I'll just share a photo of this wonderful woman I love and will miss forever.


Donna said…
Sorry to hear you lost your Nan CB ... thinking of you xx
Rainypete said…
Sorry for your loss and though it may seem hollow, know that her suffering is over and that she died at home like she wanted. My Nan passed in the spring so I understand the heartache that goes along with it all.
MummaWalker said…
Thanks guys. Have been avoiding moaping about, and having a laugh about what she did / was like instead. Sad thing now is... looks like I'll miss the funeral. The crem' has a BACKLOG and it might not happen until I'm away on honeymoon.

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