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Pre Hen Do!

YAY! Party at mine!

I kicked Yorkie out for the night and had the girls round for a Kitten Fever party. Well, a fair few of them anyway.

Esther (Kitten Fever party hostess and company boss as well as friend - posh, eh?)

Fran and Lelly couldn't make it at the last minute, and Jacs couldn't come as her hubby was on a stag do else where. It was a bit far to come for the rest of my girls.

We cracked open a few bottle of expensive pick bubbly, a bottle of champers and more cava than we should admit to and a fair few bottles of rose wine too, troffed on chocolates, haribo mix, humous , caraot and celery sticks, and sensations!

My first guest arrived at 6.15, we bought beautiful sparkly things from Esther, gossiped and laughed.... and before we knew it dawn was breaking! People started to filter off at about 2am, but I dropped my last guest off at home (once sober enough to drive) at about 11am!

I honestly can't recall most of the evening, but I had a bloody brilliant time, and if this is any standard to set for the Big One at the end of the month it's set to be one of the BEST hen nights in HISTORY!


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