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Ooooh! I got to drive the van today! And I get it all day tomorrow too!

I have to say, I was scared to death of the bloody thing when I saw what I was to drive. It's NOT one of the Berlingos! It's the Dispatch! And it HUGE!!! I tried to convince Calvin that it really wasn't for me at all, tha surely I would not able to drive it on my car liecence, but apparently I can. So I was handed the key to this shiny new '07 Dispatch and sent on my way.

Until I went into a panic and got calvin to help me. No fuel for a start, and no mean to pay for it. So he said he's come with me to the pertol station to fill it up. Then I couldn't find the hand break! it down by the drivers door, not in the middle of the seats. Then I stalled it because I tried to use the squshy wheel arch as the acelerator. Then I fretted about getting ti out of the tightly packed car park, so calvin took it round safely so I could actually drive the blooddy thing out on to the road.

From then on it was easy enough, I managed to lione it up with the fuel pump well enough for it to be filled, then dropped Calivin back at the office before setting the Sat Nav and headin off to Lytham.

Where I encountered a new problem. The Sat Nav HATES me! It's not the same system I had on Tuesday so I had to get used to a whole new set up. Then it decided to send me up silly little dirt tracks 'after 300 yards', '100 yards', 'Turn left now'... only to then be told I am off the route, and need t turn round. Did I mention how big these things are? Oh, and that there is no rear windscreen and therefore no rear view mirror! Three times the damed thing did this too me, and each time I managed to turn it round, get back onto the main road again only to be told to 'go ahead for 2.5 miles'...! WHY THE HELL MAKE ME TURN IF IT WAS THE WRONG WAY!

Anyway... made it to my site (only 15 mins late) and did what I had to do there before returning to Lancaster. By the time I was half way home on the motorway I was feeling happy and relaxed enough to even listen to the radio and have a sing - as I would in my own car - and have few worries about shuffling round Lancaster in the thing tomorrow.

Of cause, I am yet to attempt to park the huge beast any where tight... That will be the big test. Tonight it's staying at the end of my road so I don't have to back it out of my street. I just hope I don't have to park on a main road anywhere, or try to get into any car park with barriers because I have no idea how tall it is either!



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