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Looking better... in theory!

I'm going back to work tomorrow. I don't fancy it. I'm not looking farward to it. I still feel sick and drained and grumpy and all the rest.

Got a nice message from the boss though today. He was asking how I was and what the doc had said to me (must have got back to him that it was the doc I planning on visiting rather than the midwife, but I'm not about to split hairs on that one). I responded that I still felt horrible, and that it was largly down to working too hard, not eating and sleeping enough, and the fumes from the leaked cleaning fluid. I also mentioned that I might be forced into taking part time hours.

He replied that he thought I had been doing too much work out in the field and would much rather I spent more time in the office. He suggested that I try that for a while and, when he gets back from his break, see how I feel about it. Then have a chat with him. He also said he hoped I felt better soon and didn't over do things etc...

Now... THAT is a good boss! Showing staff you're bothered about them and offering solutions that will suit everyone in the long run! It is a bank holiday today after all. The office is shut today, he didn't have to get in touch at all!

I made a point of showing the message to Yorkie so he would also see that the boss is not the problem. I will be saving that message to show anyone who does try to give me any hassles at work too while he's away (although I'll keep it to my self if everything goes well, no point up setting anyone with out cause).

But right now, all I want to do is have a sleep. I have a full and bloated belly - thanks to a tasty tea cooked by my hubby - and I want to be a bit more awake tomorrow for work than I have been over the weekend.


Born Worrier said…
I am impressed with your boss, thank you for that link to the dreams web site. It is such an interesting subject. Oh by the way happy birthday for Sunday.
MummaWalker said…
:0D Thanks!

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