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Adam Warne

I had these friends when I was at Burnley College. we went drinking together a lot. The girls: Bee and Karen, and the lads: Stephen, Adam, Amer, Shaun and Mark. Not always all of us all the time, but Bee, Adam and Ste were the regular ones to come back to my mums house with me after the pub shut. We mucked about - all innocent enough and none of us dated each other although the photographs (which I still have) always look dodgy! There's one partricularly famous one of Ste and Adam in thier underwear in my mums frount room, one holding hadcuffs, and the other wearing rubber gloves.... which was then doctored to look like something from the Rocky Horror Show and plastered on the internet (my first use for the internet actually).

Things being what they are, when I come to Lancaster I lost touch with most of them. Shaun I was engaged to for a while so he came with me, Ste got engaged to Ange and they had a kid toether, so I still heared about him from time to time until they split up, Mark driffed back into my life for a short time before his own problems took him away again. Bee I saw at the school reunion last year, and although we were once best friends, a doubt if either of us has any intention of getting back in contact (love/loathing... fine line). Amer and Adam just slipped out of my life completely.

Just recently Ste turned up on FaceBook and made a friends request. At first I wasn't too sure about accepting it because things have not always been great between him and Ange, but then again I was friends with them both before they got together and split up, and it's not like I'm about to bump her from 'oldest and dearest' friend status just because I talk to him occasionally. She's more important to me than that, and he's not done any harm to me.

I when he left a comment on one of my FaceBook photos (asking about my red hair) I sent a reply, and mentioned 'that' photo. He was suprised that I still had it, and asked if I had heard about what had happened to Adam. I replye that I hadn't seen or heard a thing in almost 10 years, why?

And here's the thing. Back in Feb this year Adam collaposed, and lost his memory. All of it. Gone. even his wife and there soon-to-be-born son.

Ste also sent me a link to Adam's MySpace page, which has his diary from the time he spent in hospital.

I've been racking my brain to think if there is anything I could send him to help him along, but asaide from the fact that i haven't seen him in 10 years, I'm shocked to discover didn't know him all that well! He liked sports, he liked going out with his mates and having a drink, and usually ended up removing some article of clothing in the process. All things which don't seem to have changed and he has worked out for himself with the help of more recent and current friends and photos.

It's still a bit of a shock to me, even though this guy was only a small part of my life for a short time. His diary is a wonderful read and I recommend it to everyone.


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