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Pregnancy Update

So Thursday was midwife day. Me and Yorkie spent the whole morning sorting the house out to make it look presentable, not that it would make a blind bit of difference as she and the student with her only sat in the front room, but something inside me says its important that the midwife doesn't think we live in a slum... And to give some credit, the rooms we cleared are still looking good! So I guess the nesting thing is kicking in now too!

The visit went well, she talked us through some of the meetings and classes we can start attending from November, and what can wait until the New Year. She brought a whole load more leaflets and books and stuff for me to read, although I get the feeling she thinks I haven't read what I was given last time. I have, but my brain is Jelly and I don't remember most of it!

She also took an arm-full of blood from me... I couldn't watch, but there were MANY tubes! Like up to 5 of them! I still have a brooze on the inside of my elbow!

We'll get the results back in about 3 weeks, and I'll find out for sure if I am anemic. I'm showing some signs of it - tired, breathless, etc - and considering that I have no appetite for anything other than carbs or dairy I am not exactly getting the iron intake that I need. But it's nothing to worry about. I have my iron tablets and I'm taking them with orange juice so that I can absorb the iron better (apparently that helps) and I'll be right as rain again soon.

My boss has granted me one extra day off per week too, so I now work 4 days a week with Thursday off which means I'll be working 32-40 hours per week rather than 40+. Hopefully that means I wont be quite so tired all the time and it does take some pressure off me too.

I am starting to feel loads better in general, aside from not having much energy and being breathless. I am happy. Really happy. Pretty much all the time! This is not a usual state of mind for me at this time of year when I am normally starting to feel really cacky and heading off to the docs for my fluox'. I think pregnancy agrees with me! Or at least this stage of it does! I was feeling a bit sick for most of yesterday while I was working, and worse when I got home and had my tea (lovingly made by my hubby), but even that couldn't bring my mood down. I'm starting to sleep better, only waking up to pee and now being able to drop right back off again. When I get up in the morning I'm wide awake and out of bed quick as you like. Normally I'm having to be dragged out more than half an hour after the alarms gone off!

We're 15 weeks today, and some of the stuff I've been looking at suggests that I'll start to feel Wiggle moving soon! Like in the next couple of weeks maybe! I've felt some funny fluttering, and I swear I pick up on the little buggers moods already. I certainly know if I've eaten something Wiggle doesn't like coz even if I've enjoyed it I feel sick afterwards! I can't wait to feel an actually proper movement! And I'm just dying to see the look on Yorkie's face when he gets to feel something too!


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