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Dedicated to the one I love

Tonight is Fran's 40th birthday party, something which we are both looking forward to! Today, however, has been set aside for a day of shopping. Something which we both dislike emensly!

In order to avoid the Saturday morning rush we set of to Asda early. It seems to have worked too! Sure, there were people there, but not the maddening crushing crowd we usually have to face after work or on a Sat afternoon.

As we walked in Yorkie asks if I have anything to wear for the party tonight. I say that I do have that massive purple top I bought for Becy's leaving do from work and that would do, but he offered to buy me something else if I wanted it. Offered 2 and 3 times! So I had a look round and found a lovely black top with a few sequins and beads on which would both be pretty and servicable as a maternity top! Hooray!

We lauged and giggled our way round the supermarket - mostly at Yorkie's inability to find anything to fit him (all hats are too small, even XXLs, the only trousers he could find either fit in the waist but not the leg, or the leg but not the waist, the the vast array of underpants and boxers on offer just confused him until he claimed it was all too much and walked away, leaving me and the other chap browsing the section in fits of laughter).

With the food shop done and me in the que for the checkout he dashes off to pick up the tin foil we'd forgotten to grab, and returns with a choccy Pirates of the Carribean advent calender for me! Which he soon added to with a copy of the latest Pirates movie!

On the way out the car park he asks to go to Matalan - just for a quick in and out visit - to see if he can find any work trousers, so we bob in there too for a bit. And along with some properly fitting work stuff for him (and a wonderfully festive 'who ate all the pies' t-shirt for himself) he opts to treat me AGAIN with another frock and leggings for me and the bump to wear, and a huge silver and grey snuggle cardy for me to wear over Christmas - in a 20-22 so there's room to expand !

At home he puts all the shopping away by himself while I have a bath, then serves me lunch and cuddles up to me while we watch my new movie, periodically bringing me strawberry milkshakes and other yummy tit-bits.

I have NO IDEA what I have done to deserve this wonderful treatment (although I suspect it has more than a little something to do with the little one I am carrying around inside of me) but I am enjoying every last moment of it while it lasts.

So thank you, oh wonderful husband of mine, for making me feel special and beautiful, regardles of the fact that my body is swelling at an alarming rate, my skin in dry and flaking off, and my hair is lank (basically, while I enjoy being pregnant, I am hardly 'glowing' and my physical appearence is not good!). Thank you for taking care of me and making my life that bit easier and nicer.

Thank you for being you!


P.S. Click here to see gary's photos of Fran's Birthday Party


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