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'Informal Evening' at the RLI Womens Unit

We were late. Not by much, and certainly not the last, but still we turned up late (but only because I was picking my car up from the garage, the MOT done in under 24 hours and costing a grand total of £61.42! Woo!). As we tottered in and found some seats we were handed two jelly babies. No... not sweets. Scale model babies as 15 week and 20 weeks pregnant, in a rather disturbing cold, mucky, jelly like substance...

I have to say I was quite freaked out by how big the 20 week baby was as that is what we are at the moment! It's massive! And about 1lb in weight. I was quite glad to hand it back!

There were 4 other couples there, all due about the same time as us. One couple just before us and the others just after, and I was by far the biggest (although, the other ladies would prob be much slimmer then me if none of us were pregnant, so I'm not worried).

We were chatted to about parenting classes and exercises classes, then diet and nutrition, and then about general exercises and physio - which a lot of concentration on the good old pelvic floor exercises! It was a lot of fun, and the last lady who was talking to us had us all in fits of laughter!

It lasted for about an hour and a half, and even Yorkie had to admit it was more fun than he expected.

Next one is the scan on Friday!


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