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I am full of a cold!

I hate colds!

Especially when every single cold / flu 'remedy' states that I must consult my doctor before taking / using it. So there go the Lem-sips, Buttercup Syrup, Strepcils, and Otrivin nasal spray that I have come to rely on over the years to get through a bad cold while hardly noticing it.

My head is stuffed up like it's full of warm wet cotton wool, my nose is swollen and blocked, running like a tap most of the time too, my throat is read raw and raspy and I have started a cough. I'm up half the night because I can't breath and I am dehydrated, and therefore I am grumpy too, and the headaches are driving me bonkers!

I'm also feeling massively anti-social. Being tired and stuffed up, and head-achy and sore throated, I really don't want to speak to anyone. So if you've being trying to call (and I know some people have) that's why I'm letting the phone ring. It hurts to talk so I don't want to!

This is a GREAT combination when I am about to go off on an afternoon & evening jaunt to Leeds and Bradford to cover some site visits, site visits that I foolishly volunteered for when I was feeling all fit and healthy! And because I volunteered for them, against the concerned judgement of my immediate Superior Joanna ("oh, but you are pregnant, are you sure you can cope?" "Yes, I''ll be fine. I have the day off the day after to put my feet up, relax and recover"), I don't really want to back out of going. After all, it is a cold - all be it a bad one - not actual flu. I am not so ill that I should be staying in bed, and if I could take all my gubbins as listed above, I'd be fine and dandy to work. So buggered if a little cold is going to force me to let people down! I'm saving sick days for when I am actually in dire need of my bed!

I just reserve the right to be grumpy while I do it.


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