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One good thing about working in Leeds for a day is having a good excuse to call in at my Mums on the way home. Friday I was working in Leeds till 8pm and I really didn't want to drive all the way back to Lancaster which would mean not getting in until at least 10pm, so I stayed at Mums which meant I could be warm and cozy by 9!


We had a good long natter about everything and nothing on Fri night - infact we were till up at 1am - and then went on a bit of a shopping jaunt on Sat morning which driffted into mid afternoon chatting before I dragged myself away. Me and Yorkie had been invited to a friends birthday lunch and while I was way to late for the food, I might just catch them up in the pub after. I didn't, as my beloved had kept his phone smothered in his jacket pocket and didn't even know I'd rung to find out what pub they were in for another 2 hours (grr) by which time I was cozied up at home... but never mind.

Sunday I had a girly day out with Jen over at Conder Green, we had a massive lunch at the Stork and I even treated myself to a whole half pint of Guinness! The Yorkishire House are having a Punk Weekend and Stefs heavily involved in sorting it out. The boys have been off looked after by various grandparents for the weekend. Adam was going to be brought into the Yorky by Stefs dad to have a little watch during the afternoon break which was going to be pretty quiet so after we'd gourged ourselves we popped along to see how it was all going. Steff was on the stage going through a few tracks with Guilty Pleasures, and Adam wanted on stage too! He had a bang of the drums, and a bit of a dance, and generally joined in! He was no impressed when it came time for grandad to take him back home again! Hee hee! I forsee Daddy-Stef booking gigs for his sons band in years ti come!

We left just after as the other set of grandparents were bringing Conner back home after a weekend with them. He's a massive kiddie! Not fat or anything like that, just big for his age (Mind you, so is Adam, at only 2 he looks more like a 3 or 4 year old). He's 6 weeks and already dowing 7 oz of milk, and wouldn't have said no to more either I bet! He could easily pass for 3 months. He seems like such a good baby too (the kind I hope ours will be), he cries if he wants food, if he wants a hug, and if he's got a wet or dirty bum. Fair enough! Other than that he's as good as gold, chatting away to himself and getting plenty of sleep. I got a lovely long cuddle with him and was sad to hand him back when it was time to go home.

Can't wait till we get to hold our own!


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