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Wow... 21 weeks

Which now means there are fewer weeks to come than have passed... And I guess I'm feeling a little spooked!

Wiggle was booting extra hard last night, and for what seemed like ages! Tried to get Yorkie to feel it, and he did have his hand right over where I was getting attacked, but he's not sure if he felt baby, or just me (doh!). I guess we'll have to wait for Wiggle to get a bit bigger before he's convinced he's felt it.

Jen came over for a bit last night, and brought some baby cloths with her. Her mate Chris is also expecting another baby, and Conner is already out growing stuff at an alarming rate (12.7lb at 6 weeks!), so she'd packed up stuff that was too small to give to the two of us .

She gave us some teeny-tiny socks, scratch mits, a hat & snow suit, some grows and vests, and a selection of bibs. So cute! And our first lot of baby stuff! If only I had a fully kitted out nursery to keep them in

I'm dying to go out and buy stuff - cloths, toys, nursery equipment and decorations, but I am still determined to wait until after New Year. Aside from anything we need to get Chrismas paid for before I splurge my whole bank account on baby, and I suppose that plodding around babys room in the last few weeks before the birth, setting out teddies and mobiles and stuff will be better than diving right in and doing now, leaving me board and restless waiting for baby to make an appearence. And I still worry that aquiring stuff before New Year might be pushing our luck. I'm still a bit scared that something bad might happen and I don't want a house full of stuff to get rid of, but I was hardly going to turn Jen's offer down, not when she's brought it all the way over any everything.

Wheee! Baby stuff!!!


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