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I have spent my first money on Baby!

I spent Wednesday afternoon with Jill and while I was there she had her new crib delivered from Boots online, one she's bought on sale down from £60 to £45. It's a nice crib too, wooden, swinging (or not if you want) and complete with mattress. We built the main part of it together (with some help from little Morgan, ahh) and it went together nice and easy - apart from one washer and bolt that I managed to get jammed but Gary fixed with ease when he came home.

Basically I was so impressed by this crib that I decided that I wanted one too, and as it was on sale I might as well get it now before they run out or go back up in price. And I was too late! Boots had sold out! I was gutted!

But since I was browsing the web for baby stuff I thought I may as well carry on and had a look at the web site that Rachel had mentioned getting a nursing chair from, and you'll never guess what! Ok, you probably will.... The same crib was there, and for even less! Under £40! So I ordered one! And - since I was ordering - put in the order for the nursing chair too. Yorkie was going to order that for me when he got paid but it made sense to get them together now so that they wont arrive while we're away for Christmas and also to get the free delivery, and he's going to out that money in the saving account instead for other baby stuff later.

It'll be a couple of days at least before they arrive, but I can't wait! I'm really looking forward to actually having a bit of baby stuff in the house, I know it's going to mean we have to shift other stuff around, but that's no bad thing. At the moment we're just delaying and delaying sorting out the house, so this will hopefully give us a kick up the bum to start.


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