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A strange Christmas

I don't think this year was the Christmas we were all hoping for. It's been a bit of a let down, not that it is any ones fault, it's just been a bit that way this year.

For a start a fair few of us have been ill, myself included. Me, Rachel and the nephews have all had colds, nasty ones too. Poor Chris missed Christmas dinner all together because he'd been sick, and I missed half of the day sleeping on the settee (which might sound normal to some people, but not the way we do Christmas), and Bob's gf (also called Rachel) wound up catching this cold too so by the end of Christmas she was feeling crappy too. This is on top of two of us ladies being 6 months pregnant and knackered to start with. Jenny's not been having the best of times in the latter part of this year and that's weighing heavy on her mind and not let her have as much fun as she should have been able to have, and to cap that off her car decided to pack in and we couldn't get anyone to come and fix it because it's Christmas. Add to that the fact that our little ginger Fizgig acted like a horror all Christmas, screaming at Jenny's cat all night and spraying her front door making the house stink (one good thing about having a cold like this is that I couldn't smell it) so that none of us staying at Jenny's had a single good nights sleep, and either me or Yorkie was constantly getting up in the night to sort them out - last two nights we were there I just got up and slept on the settee which seemed to be the only way to keep calm and order!

But the worst of it all came on the day that me and Yorkie were heading back up to Burnley from Maltby when, just as we were about to set off, Jenny got a call from Kate to say that Tony was in hospital with a heart attack! He's been assuring people that it was 'only a small one' but it turns out it's actually worse then they first thought. He's going to be in the hospital until the other side of New Year and will have to take aspirin for the rest of his life.

So all in all it's been a bit crap. The company's been great, the food outstanding, and the gifts all gratefully given and received, but there's something about bad health and poor sleep that stops Christmas Cheer from being able to soak in, and while I'm gutted that it's all over - because I DO love Christmas - I'm really glad to be back home in my own house, my own bed, my own routine, and try to focus on the good stuff the New Year will bring.


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