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Buying for Baby

This has become my new pass time.

The nursery set finally arrived a few days ago! Thank you Mum! It took 3 days for me and Yorkie to build the bloody thing too, although there were things like work getting in the way. We've also decorated the nursery too and it's looking pretty damn good even if I do say so myself! My hubby is a wonder with a pot of paint and did just about all of it himself (I painted a couple of small patches, but nothing really notable). So it's looking very much like it's almost done!

We have a cot-bed, dresser/change table and wardrobe.

I also jumped on a bargain travel-system, although I felt horribly guilty as Mum-in-law had offered to buy us it. This was on sale at £180 down from £250 with the offer about to run out and the new model that was to replace it not only being too expensive (more like £360 to get everything we did get), but also too big to fit in the boot of the car AND the car seat would not suitable from birth! It was a case of buy it there and then, or spend a fortune on something less suitable... Yorkie says Kate has plans to get us something else instead though.

We have pram/pushchair/car seat, foot muff, rain cover, change bag & portable change mat.

Dad's been in the UK this week and called in for a shopping trip for baby. He's desperate to buy more but I had to point out that we don't know everything that we'll need yet and probably wont until Wiggle arrives, so he's to save it until then.

We got: the bottle sterilizer, baby bath (with top n tail tub, towels & cuddle robes), baby monitor, gro-bag room thermometer, new maternity pillow (as we left the other one at Jenny's house), 2 cat nets, changing mat for the change table, and a baby play nest.

The nursery is put together now, with just the nursing chair to go in from downstairs. There are books and toys on the shelves, bits of clothes and baby care products that people have given us in the draws, change mat on the change table, pram stored in the wardrobe, thermometer and monitor tested and working and ready to be used, and the rest tidied away.

It's the one room in the whole house that is organised and tidy at the moment! I should take a photo as a memento and post it on here!!!


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