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God Mother!

Last weekend was the baptism of Caitlin & Mia, and I officially became Caitlin's God Mother! It was a shame that Yorkie couldn't go, and both girls were asking for him and wanting to know where he was. Mia insisted that I make him come to her 'next christening'... How many is she planning on having? Still, with a bit of luck he'll make it to Caitlin's confirmation in May.

Both girls looked lovely though and where great during the service. Mia got a little stressed at being held like a baby so that she could have the water on her head, especially since Caitlin got to just stand on a step and lean over the font instead.

I've never been to a Catholic baptism before, and even though I was 10 at my own CofE baptism I don't really recall much about it. It was fun though, like Jacs said, you get to renounce Satan, and the girls were exorcised too! Even the priest accepted that this was something to giggle about, and has nothing to do with the girls potential for being possessed (rats).

The godparents where Daves two sisters, Jacs brother and sister, Daves bestest bud, and me as Jacs best mate. One of Dave's sisters was so late that she missed half the service and almost missed out all together, and I was maybe a liiiitle bit worried about Mia waving her baptism candle about the place before she got to blow it out. Taffeta doesn't take much to burst into flame! Still, she was good and nothing terrifying happened.

Got some nice photos of the day and when I get chance I'll post them up.


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