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Happy Valentines Day

This year we said we weren't going to make a fuss about Valentines. Money is tight with the baby on the way so big gifts of past years (like going halves on a PlayStation, buying jewellery and computer games) are out of the question.

Romance, however, is far from dead! This morning my wonderful Husband brought me breakfast in bed: heart shaped toast with jam on to make them red! How sweet!

Tonight, instead of going out for a posh dinner, we're off to the supermarket. But he's said he'll buy me a big slab of choc, and he wants some champagne marmite, so that will be my gift to him.

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I was so tried when I got to bed that I fell asleep within seconds, regardless of heartburn and kicky-baby! Mum came over in the morning, she'd come to go along with me to the Breastfeed session at the RLI but also wanted to buy this mobile she'd had her heart set on for baby, but only seen in Lancaster. So we trundled off into town and she bought this: Tiny Love Symphony-In-Motion Mobile Deluxe. NOT CHEAP!!! Very nice though, so thank you mum!

From there we went up to the RLI for a 3 hour session which included watching a video, and playing with rubber boobs (bought from a transvestite prop shop...), pillows and baby dolls. It was a lot of fun actually, and as we were leaving Mum said to me "I know now why I failed to breastfeed you... no one told me any of that. I was doing it wrong. Isn't it wonderful that you get these classes now!" Which is pretty much what the video had said too. Around 30 years ago and more (according to this video) hardly anyone was encourage to breastfeed, so if you had no one in your family or close friends to show you, it often didn't happen for long, or even at all. The midwife praised mum for giving it a go for as long as she did under the circumstances, and mum feels better for it not being her personal failure (which I think she's believed it to be for the last 28 years!)

After that it was a quick bye-bye to mum and diving off to collect Yorkie from work and back to the RLI for another antenatal session! It's like being back at school this!

Last nights session was a good one too. We were given a tour of the delivery suites this week (last week we saw the wards - which have internet access by the beds! WHOOT!), and while they look a little bland and sterile, they did look clean and reassuring with all the 'machines that go beep', and their own bathrooms etc.

But the highlight of the night has to be the very nice couple who allowed us to watch their 2 day old son be given his first bath!! Poor little mite yelled at being undressed, yelled at having his bum changed and face washed, yelled at being put in the tub, then yelled at being taken out again! (although if I had 44 strangers watching me go through that, I'd be a bit miffed too). But he was so sweet, and all he wanted was to have his little manhood covering up and his mummys arms, so as soon as he was wrapped up and given back to mum he was happy again (and ready for his supper).

Strange to think that in about 7 weeks time our little one might be having 'first bath' too!


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