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Sat at my desk today at work, and I'm trying to reply to an email from one of the sites I'm still looking after to rearrange a meeting date and time.

Only I can't seem to send the email. I keep getting the message that the SMTP is cover subscribed / too many connections etc... so I do the usual: wait a while and try again, log out and log in again to try again etc, but nothing. So I tap on ITs window (which is right by my desk anyway) and say "I'm sure you already know about this, but my email is all wibbley". Simon looks confused and peers out of the window, reading my screen. They were not aware...

So after some tapping and thinking Simon and Paul hit on the probable reason. A while earlier they had been testing something with email and had set emails to be sent continuously in Pauls email address to see how quickly they could be sent (I think that was the gist of it). But that had been switched off an hour ago.

Hee hee... It hadn't switched off. In fact while I was stood there Simon tried to turn it off a few times, and it wouldn't switch off. I suggested simply pulling the plug, but they have sensibly set up the servers to carry on where they left off if that happens. So that's not going to work.

Eventually they did manage to get it tuned off, but that's not the funny part. You see, they found out how quickly they can send emails. In the 67mins 40something seconds that was running it sent approx 8 million emails. To Pauls email address. Simon gets copies of all Pauls emails, so he's going to have the same 8 million. Rob gets copies of every ones emails. So he will have all of Pauls AND all of Simons, which is 16 million. Mike (the boss) ALSO gets copies of every ones emails. So he will have Pauls original 8 million, Simon's 8 million, and the 16 million that Rob got. 32 Million!

And Mike is currently away on holiday and accessing his emails on his PDA.

He gets the first gig free, and then has to pay by the meg. The estimate (as the email has a PDF attachment) for these emails is around 300gig. It's a good job I mentioned it to them, as no one else had said anything and the thought of this growing over the weekend is just possibly unbearable to anyone with a IT mind.

I left the boys too it, hoping for the sake of their jobs that they get this fixed and get the emails deleted from Mikes account before he tried to access them from Jamaica.

Although I have to say... I left laughing!

(Did I mention that this may possibly have started out as a practical joke? Karma anyone?)

I love my job!


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