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Worn out

I am SO tired....

I think I may have been kiddied to near DEATH! Although I can't pretend I haven't been enjoying it

On Tuesday Jen came over with her two lads, and we went to the park. On Saturday Kate came over with the two nephews, and we went to the only family friendly pub that seems to be left in Lancaster and them them loose in the Fun Factory. On Sunday Jacs came over with her two girls, and we had two long sessions in the park, one either side of a very disappointing lunch at the Water Witch.

It's not like I did a lot with any of the kids myself... Conner's still too small (I stuck to pushing the pram, I can do that. Gives me something to lean on) and Jen took Adam round the park, Chris & Nick were happy enough swarming over their Uncle Mark, and on Sunday Yorkie and David ran round the park with Caitlin & Mia while me and Jacquie had a catch up natter, so I really can't blame the kids for my being so tired. But I really, really am!

Sunday night I was awake every hour, Wiggle took it upon itself to live purely in the right hand side of my belly. So the left side of me was all flat and flabby and empty, while my right hand side felt like the skin was going to split! No amount of rolling around, rubbing or stroking the bump was gonna make wee sod shift back over to the middle, so bye bye sleep...

Last night - well, early this morning - when I woke up for the loo I was brought almost to my knees by the most horrendous pain just behind my belly-button, which then spread across the rest of my belly. Just under the skin. Three times I tried to stand back up before I finally could and then I was fine. Wiggle is shuffling round as normal this morning, and I am left wondering if this was a Braxton Hix, or just a nasty, funny feeling cramp. Still, we're seeing the mid-wife this afternoon anyway so I can ask.

But first things first! Yorkie has made a start on the kitchen! So we're off to Ikea this morning!

Despite the world conspiring against him (the skip can't come till Wednesday, and my loan of a works van fell through when it had to replace one that broke down. Ikea can deliver after all it seems, but it can take almost a week, now it looks like we have no choice. It'll arrive just in time for him to go back to work...).

When I got in from work yesterday the front room was neatly stacked up with bags and boxes of kitchen stuff, and he's removed the units and tiles from one wall. He has also discovered that - like so much of this house - the last people who did anything to the kitchen did a bodge job and it might need re-plastering (chunks are missing, wallpaper and roll-plugs have been plastered over, there are loads of holes that shouldn't be there, and it also looks a bit damp...), which in turn limits what units we can put up because of the time it would take to do and dry safely enough to have units hung from the walls before Wiggle comes (due in 40 days people).

We talked about it, and thought that maybe we should go for free standing instead of fitted units (Yay! I would rather have these anyway) so that we can still HAVE a kitchen, and deal with problems with the walls when time allows. We can shuffle stuff out of the way! Winner!

Well, winner so long as these units look alright when we actually GET to Ikea today.

They might be awful


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