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So I went to see the midwife today. I left Yorkie at home this time, partly because he was hung over (hee hee hee, teach him for staying out till 1.15am, although he did cook a scrummy meal when he got in) and partly so he could get on with sorting out the kitchen.

When I get there, a good 10 mins early for once - the practice is SHUT! Training on Tues lunch time it seems, and it was bloody cold out there waiting for the doors to unlock.

Eventually made it in and watched the midwife run about panicking about getting parking ticket on her car before finally getting in to see her (even the staff don't get free parking round Dalton Square).

She checked my pee, ok. She checked my blood pressure, ok. I asked about my massively swollen feet, but since my BP is ok and there's no itching it's nothing to worry about. She did admit that they were VERY swollen indeed though. Then it was up on the table for a measure and a prod.

I'm still measuring big, so I explained about the growth scan we had saying that baby is actually a good size (i.e. not big or small), and that I am actually just chubby as well as pregnant. She mentioned that baby was well down now which was good, and helped me off the table.

As I am readjusting my clothing and packing away my pee-tube and notes for next time, midwife asks me if I have had any labour pains. I answer confidently that no, I have not. And she looks at me with raised eyebrows. Apparently Wiggle is three fifths already.... Which meant nothing to me so I asked her what that was.

It's 3/5 engaged already.... not just head down, but 3/5 engaged.... as in getting ready to come out.... SOON....!

So I am now casting my mind back to any pains I have had. Sure, I've felt uncomfortable. The back aches' been pretty bad, but nothing I couldn't deal with. Just annoying really rather than terrifying "oh-my-god-its-a-labour-pain".

She's booked me in again for next week, although added in a jokey voice as I was leaving "You might not need it!"

So I am in a bot of a state of shock. I know most mums-to-be would be over the moon at this, and yes, I am looking forward to having baby and not being pregnant anymore (really looking forward to it) I really could do with Wiggle being a week late, not a week early!

I called Yorkie and told him (as I was nipping into work on the way home) and explained what the midwife had said. Probably not news he wanted on a hang-over with a kitchen to decorate! And I made sure I got in there and helped him when I got home!

Eep.... Come on Wiggle, 12 days till the due date. Hang on in there for a little while longer for Mummy and Daddy!


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