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And not happy about it.

Still, just one week left at work now, and I'll be glad! Been having a hard week this week. Not at all helped by the fact that I have been completely taken advantage of by one of our customers.

Long story short; when the new tender was sorted out earlier this year the customer agreed to a set number of days additional clean at a set price. This was then filed away by the sales team in the correct place. Customer then comes to me asking for more cleans and I - coming at the task from an Ops point of view and desire to keep customer happy - do as asked. I made sure that the Ops team knew and that wages knew, but did not know that things had changed in sales and they also needed to be told. The customer spotted this mistake and exploited it - and me - resulting in them getting a hell of a lot of work from us for nothing! Costing us money, and making me look like an idiot in front of my Boss.

Where did I go wrong? Simple, I did not know about this agreement! Yes, it is my responsibility to make sure I DO know about such things... but you have to know such things exist in the first place before you can do that. So I blame a mixture of me not being given full training, and admit a certain level of naivety about the situation.

Still. When I had a meeting with the Boss yesterday (at 8am! Grr) I did finally find out what the problem was, where it lay, and explained that I had simply done what I thought was right as I was not aware of this other step. He was clearly p'ed off, but I think he understands now how and why it happened - and that it is not just a case of me being inept. He's sending 2nd-in-command with me to the meeting next week to back me up (phew).

I also volunteered to help out with a transcript of a meeting this week. Really wish I hadn't! It's harder than you might think! Especially if you haven't been at the meeting and don't know some of the people there so you can tell some of the voices apart or who they belong to. Boss let me out of work early yesterday (see, he's a nice man) and I took this work home with me, as it's a lot easier to do it at home than in the office where people are talking and you can't hear the tape. But it still took me till 11.30 last night to do and type up. I did have some breaks - half an hour at B&Q with Yorkie, 20 mins for Hollyoaks, 30 mins for Eastenders, 20 mins for my tea. Oh... and there was half an hour or so when we had no electricity while Yorkie sorted out some of the wiring in the kitchen.... but still, it felt like an eternity.

I'm sure it never used to take me this long to do tasks for work!

And on top of all this I've been so unbelievably uncomfortable! I am assuming these are the braxton hix I've heard about. Random tightening of my belly, which I can feel right down into my girly bits. They were happening on and off around mid morning yesterday, and for a fair chunk of yesterday afternoon too. Enough for me to want to go home to work laid on the bed rather than sit in an office chair. But nothing much in between or in the evening and none once I got to bed (finally). Just enough pressure from them to cause discomfort to me, and a wave of panic in Yorkie (hee hee hee).

Scary to think that this time next week I'll be getting ready for my last day of work for 6 months! Boss was saying he's like to pop in once we're settled with Baby, and bring me the info I asked for about my new position in work when I go back as an excuse to coo over the baby (I may regret asking for some reading material - he will being me a TON of it I'm sure! But I want to be able to hit the ground running when I go back), and that he'd buy my lunch on my last day too (awwww) and various other things. He has been good with me. I said in our meeting yesterday that I was feeling the pressure at the moment and although I only had 3 1/2 days to work next week, I was wanting to cut down even more because I was feeling so rough. he seemed ok with that, so as long as I get the important stuff done and take it easy I should be ok for my last week. I'll be going in as normal, and if I feel too tired I'll take off home early once I've done what needs to be done. Most of it seems to be going smoothly (apart from that one BIG problem I mention up there!)


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