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This is all getting to be too much for me now. I want to stop. I want to stay in bed and sleep.

Only got a week and a couple of days left at work, 3 things which I need to get sorted, and the rest I'm going to see about cutting back on. Very tempting to just not go in any more. I had monday off this week because I felt like death. Went in for a half day today to do a site hand over. I'm seeing the boss at 8am tomorrow so I'm going to explain how shattered I am and cut right down on my last week

The kitchen is still a way off being finished. Poor hubby keeps coming on problem after problem. Now the celing needs artexing because it's such a mess under the layers of woodchip and paint. So that means I'm still confined to the bed or PC when ever I'm home.

Went to Mums for a bit over the weekend. It was so tempting to just stay there till the baby came! Only I missed Yorkie so much, and felt that I was depriving him of 'bump time', so came home.

Had another song and dance at the hospital yesterday. 2 appointments had been sent out to me, one for yesterday, one for tomorrow. So we went yesterday and even though we had the proper letter etc we were on nobodies list and got forgoten about. I wasn't too fussed (to tired to get wound up by anything other than bad drivers getting in my way on the roads it seems) but Yorkie was getting steamed up. Not only does he really not like hospitals, it was eating into his sort-out-the-kitchen time. And we did eventually get seen.

Everything seems to be fine etc. Some sugar in my pee again (prob the jaffa cakes I ate the night before. A whole tube to myself) but otherwise fine. Consultant mentioned the words 'baby' and 'big' again, but nothing worrying. Apparently because I have had problems with my kidnies I was at risk of having a SMALL baby. But Wiggle isn't small either. Naturally, my Wiggle baby is already perfect!

We bumped into Jill and Gary on the way out too which was nice. They'd just had another scan and been told they are having another little boy - so there's more pressure on us to produce a girl, hee hee hee!

But I am loosing the will to do anything. I have just about been able to cope with doing some cross stitch, but I've finished the two I had and getting some more means going into town (I don't like buying them on-line, I want to be able to look at them closely to see if I really like them before spending all that money and time). Frankly, I can't be bothered to go to town.

I'm massive. I'm tired. I keep getting myself wedged in places I used to fit in. None of my bras fit right and are driving me crackers. Taking a bath is a nightmare because I can't get in and out on my own, and I don't feel relaxed when I'm there. The house is a tip. Work is driving me nuts. I have no staying power for computer games. I only have a couple of books left and I'm saving them for maternity leave. I have some knitting to do, but I'm really really bad at it and know full well I'll end up having a wibble fit and chucking it across the room as soon as I make a mistake - so I'm avoiding that. I'm dying to 'nest' but can't do anything with the house, and have no money to buy those last bits until I get paid (hopefully this weekend).

I'm just fed up and tired.

I want my house back. I want time off work. I WANT MY BABY!


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