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Big Baba!

The health visitor came round again yesterday to check Jack over.

Bad news is his bum. Poor little mite has thrush on his butt so she's given us some cream for that which will hopefully sort him out - it explains why he hates nappy changes so much, they probably hurt him!

Good news is he has gained a whole pound since the last visit (which was monday last week)! So, after being born 9lb 13, losing an initial 13oz (within 10% so perfectly normal), he's gained 6oz, and then another 1lb! It makes him 10lb 6oz (which was MY birth weight - whole new respect for my poor mother!!!)

I knew he was bigger... He looks it, feels it, and EATS like it! It seems like all I do is feed Jack and it's clearly doing him good.

Yorkie went back to work yesterday. It feels odd not having him around, but I haven't had to deal with being on my own with Jack yet since Dad and Fay are here. Looks like our first day just the two of us will be Monday as Mum's over on Friday when Dad and Fay leave and Yorkie has the weekend off. I'm quite looking forward to it, but nervous as well. I'm sure we'll cope fine though!


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