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Yesterday Yorkie has an appointment at the docs, just a check up with the nurse as he's changed surgeries to be in the same practice as me and Jack. We packed Jack up in his car seat all nice and warm - which made him scream the place down "STOP DOING STUFF TO ME!" style. Finally got everything together and got into the car... and nothing. It wouldn't start.

Can't blame the car though...

On Sat we went shopping at Asda and when we got back with a ton of shopping Yorkie suggested I took Wee Man in and got him settled while he sorted out un packing the car and putting stuff away.

So in I went with Jack leaving, I assume looking back, my car door open because my hands were full of car seat, change bag and handbag. Yorkie brought in the shopping.

My door must have swung almost closed by itself as it tends to do if it's windy. It looked closed. And normally I do check and lock it. This time I didn't. It was open just slightly for over 48 hours. Just enough for the internal light to be on.

And flatten the battery!

So there's no chance of Yorkie getting to see the nurse on time. It's then back in the house, unwrap Jack, calm him down because we're messing him about, call the docs, and call the AA for a home start.

The AA are brill and come over in less than half an hour, manage not to laugh at us for being stupid enough to leave a car door open for 2 days and not notice, and charge my battery up. But it's an old battery and needed testing to make sure it would hold it's charge since it was flat to about 2 volts (seriously flat by all accounts) and it doesn't. I have actually KILLED the battery DEAD!

Mr AA Man suggested that it mightbe saved if it went on a 'triple charge' but that it was unlikely. Worth a try though because the alternative is a new battery (££££) so I call up my lovely local garage and tell him what I've done. He did laugh. But said I could bring it right down and he'd sort it asap.

But the triple charge hasn't fixed it. The battery is as flat as can be and yes, we do need a new battery. Brilliant! Have a look at the price of these damn things!

That'll teach us for not double checking the car's all locked up!


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