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Don't worry folks, he's fine

We've had something of a nightmare weekend, but before people start to fret, Jack is fine. He just had us thinking that he wasn't for a while!

Thu evening Jack started up his usual 9.30 scream session, which usually means "I wanna go to bed!", but this time he wouldn't settle down at all. He was constantly hungry but having trouble feeding, and what he did take he sicked up again shortly after. And his nappies were nasty... really nasty and over flowing very quickly. He wasn't sleeping more than a few mins at a time which meant that me and Yorkie were also not getting any sleep.

By Fri morning I was getting wrung out so I called the Health Visitor for advice. I was told that we'd be better off going to the docs, so I rang up and made an appointment for that day. The only one available was lunch time so after a stressful morning we got him to the docs.

She checked him out and tested his temp, which was up, and asked about the sickness and the full nappies - which were now full to over flowing within an hour. She said that had it been a week day the following day she would have sent us home with instructions to come back the next day to see if he had improved, but since it was Fri and the surgery would be shut the next day she thought we'd be better off going to the hospital with him to get him assessed. She warned me that maybe he'd have to stay in over night. Not something I wanted to hear!

Within 20 mins we were at Children's Ward in assessment waiting to be seen, and Jack finally falls asleep. Really asleep! And his temp starts to come down to normal. He was checked over by the nurse and one of the docs and were told that there is a viral gastroenteritis going round affecting children, they had been inundated over the last 2 - 3 weeks.

Since he was already getting better we just had to wait for a higher level doctor to check him over one last time and we could go home. We were let out around 5pm after spending the whole afternoon in the assessment room.

So he's fine. He still had a slightly higher temp for a couple of days so we just had him in minimal clothing, and we gave him extra cuddles to reassure him (and us, in fact mostly us) that everything was alright again now. But it was a horrible time.

While I've had this blog open the health visitor has called round and checked him out. He's fine. Absolutely fine. Still gaining weight at 12lb 2 1/2 oz which while not being as much as he should have gained had he not been ill, is still healthy and she says that he's likely to carry on as normal now that he's better.


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