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The first month

So Jack will be one month old tomorrow... I have no idea where this last month has gone! Hard to believe that this time a month ago (just gone 2pm) I was helping Yorkie to hang wallpaper between contractions!

Life seems to be settling into a routine now though - although it's bound to change now that I'm saying this. Jack likes his feeds about every 2 hours, he's getting used to having his nappy changed after being fed (when he's less likely to scream the place down because he's being cleaned). At night you can almost set your watch by him: 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am for a feed and change, then back down to sleep. Apart from 5am when he wants to stay up (grr).

I'm even managing to do more through the day now. Dull stuff, but every little thing is an achievement. Like, managing to do 2 or 3 loads of washing, stack the dishwasher, cook tea... Yesterday I even had time to put some make-up on before going out with Jack for the afternoon (but no time to take it off before I fell asleep last night).

I'm getting the hang of feeding Jack in public now. Done it 4 times and don't think I have caused any major embarrassment to anyone yet. I've also expressed some bottles and Yorkie's had chance to feed Jack a few times.

One thing that does keep coming to me, though, is that I do not seem to have any topic of conversation other that my son, or children, pregnancies and babies in general... and yes I do know that's normal etc, but I NEED to have something else to talk and think about because I am boring myself!


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