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Jack's 2 months old today

And driving us bonkers.

We're all ill. What ever cold bug Jack picked up while we were away this weekend has been passed on to us all. The whole house is filled with snot. Our throats are sore, I'm loosing my hearing, and poor little Jack can't settle at all. His cries are not helping our headaches either.

Di from worked popped in today to keep me up to date with the gossip. It's all go with the call centre at the moment with people being brought in from other departments to make calls. Once they've managed to get 2 appointments in a day they can go back to their original post. I really hope I'm not expected to do that when I go back because I HATE call centre work! And I'm not very good at it either...

Today I had to let my web sites for Juvy (the lady who did my wedding dress) go. I've hardly worked on them at all since I got that promotion at work, and then with having Jack to look after I have done pretty much nothing. That's no good for Juvy since she's expanding so I've had to say good bye to that bit of business. Mind you, since I've done no work I've not been invoicing her either so it's not like I'm suddenly going to miss the income. I just feel sorry for letting her down and because I did really enjoy the work.

I think I'll head off for a sleep now. Yorkie's having his shift of looking after poorly Jack and there's a bottle in the fridge for them. It's one thing to be ill, but something else for all three of us to be sick at once!


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