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New Routine!

AHA! I have been looking at my baby books again!

Little Jack - as much as I love him - has been driving me bonkers in the mornings just lately. I've been getting a tad stressed and had my wondering if maybe I was slipping into a mild depression, or if maybe I was just too over tired from the constant disrupted sleep. I'm leaning towards the later of the two theories mostly because by the time we've both had a nap through the day I'm fine again (although I do have a docs appointment next week just to make sure).

In an attempt to ease the pressure I turned to my baby books and had a look at 2-3 months. There's a suggested time-table of activities and sleeps - only suggested and it does point out that all babies are different and to only use it as a guide line - but I've been giving it a try.

And so far it seems to be working!

It's early days yet though. We started with it yesterday evening by keeping him up through his late afternoon nap and then putting him to bed early. Normally he stays in the front room with us until bed time and take him up when we go. This time we took him up at 8.30, fed him there in the semi dark and put him to bed with the intention of leaving him there on his own for the rest of the evening (with the moniter on). It took the better part of an hour to settle him, and in the end I left the telly on for him for half an hour so he didn't feel totally alone. That seemed to work.

His next suggested feed n change it between 11 and midnight so about 11ish I lifted him out of his crib willing him not to scream and offered him a feed. He didn't even wake up! He fed well (a boob and a half) without making a muff. I didn't change him (books also suggest that at night only change them if they need it, i.e. awak and crying for it) and laid him back in his bed where he continued to sleep until 2.30! This time he woke me up (at the suggested time too) so I fed and changed him, winded and griped him, and he went back to sleep until bang on 6am where again (as the book said) he just wanted a feed and went back to sleep for an hour and a half!!!

It's the best nights sleep I have had since we stayed an Jenny's 2 weeks ago!

So the day's plan was this: feed/change/play between 6 & 7. Sleep 8-10. Feed/change/play 10-11. Walk & nap 11-12. Feed/change/play 12-2. Sleep 2-4, feed/change/play 4-6, bath & play 6-8, feed & bed at 8. Then it's the night time feeds n changes at 11 and 2.

We stuck pretty close for the morning, sleep at 8.30, walk at 12. But the afternoon's been thrown out by a trip to work at 3 when he was actually ready for his sleep. He's napped and I currently have a very tired boy on my lap so I think bath time may be delayed. I'm confident on a good evening though, and hopeful of a good night - which will all make for a less stressed tomorrow!



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