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I never seem to have a moment to sit down at this laptop these days! Jack is currently sat in his bouncer by my feet, all drowsy. But we're off to Mum2muM for 10am so it seems mean to put him to bed for his nap if I'm going to be waking him up again soon. He can sleep while we're there!

So it's been a bit of a busy time. I've started taking Jack to some of the mum & baby sessions up and down Lancaster, we've been to a couple of the baby massage classes already which he seems to love, and I've been looking at some of the Stay n Play sessions which I'd thought he was too young for, but apparently they are suitable for 0 to 5 year olds. And it's another reason to get out of the house and talk to people too.

I've been seeing people too, we've been out for a couple of days with Jen and her lads, Debbie's been over and came for a walk and a spot of lunch with us, we've seen Marie and been invited to her new house. Kathy going to the baby massage too so we see her there, and hopefully we'll be seeing Jill and her lads this weekend. Naturally Jacks Nan (aka my Mum) has been over a few times too for her fix of Jack-time (it's addictive you know).

The big do though, was going over to Warrington at the weekend for Caitlin's first communion. We were worried that Jack might scream the church down with it being quite a long service, but the little sweetie slept through the whole thing! Caitlin looked lovely. She did a reading as part of the service and did it brilliantly too. Poor Jacquie almost broke her fingers though taking a tumble out side the church!

This week's going to be a little different though. Yorkie has the rest of this week off after today and he's not really up for going to any baby classes (even the Dad's Club on Saturday's) but he will be coming to Clinic with us on Wednesday when poor little Jack has his second set of jabs from the health visitor. It's not going to be pleasant and I'm glad he's coming to give us both that bit of support.


Victoria said…
He's so adorable!

I found your blog from a random search for bloggers with the interest of "pregnancy," in case you were wondering :) Congratulations on such a beautiful boy! I really wish you the best!

Oh, and by the way, the question in your profile asks why the taste of a penny reminds you of losing a tooth... it's because blood has a metallic taste! Haha just thought I would let you know :)

MummaWalker said…

Thanks on both counts!

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