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Sad baby

Yesterday was jab time again. This time Yorkie came with us as he's off work at the moment. Poor little Jack was good as gold until we went into the room where he actually gets his injections and then he started to yell. It's as though he knew what was coming, even though he's never been in the particular room before.

He had both his legs jabbed - and he bled!!! It was horrible! But he had mummy AND daddy to cuddle him afterwards this time and he calmed down again soon enough. We weighed him (13lb 11 1/2 oz now - big lad!) and brought him home.

He was happy enough for a couple of hours and then the nastyness started. His temp went up and his mood went down. He had to be held or he wouldn't settle. His poor little face just looking up at us with tears asking why he felt so rotten, what had we done to him, why wont we make it stop?

Still, he's slept a lot since, and there's nothing wrong with his appittie either. I took him to baby massage again this morning though and he just would not settle into it. I spent most of the class cuddling and feeding him, rockig him gently until it was time to come home again. Now he's just sleeping again. He's not as warm as he was - calpol's great stuff - and he's not as unhappy as he was so I think he must be coming through it now. But it is awful!

And we have to do it all again in 4 weeks!


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