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Catch up (again)

Jack's been poorly again this week. He's had a horrible snotty cold which has been keeping him from sleeping well because his nose kept on blocking up and he couldn't breathe. It's been hard, but he's coming through it now. I'm so glad I kept that little bottle of drops for his nose from his first cold because we'd have been stuffed without it.

But we've been keeping busy. Jack's slept through most of it, but busy is busy. On Monday my boss came over and took us out to lunch as Hest Bank. It was lovely weather and we sat out in the sun to have our fish n chips - which was the one time Jack perked up. He's getting very interested in food! Me and the Boss-man talked work and I have been given the OK for the days I want to work, and for time off in Oct to see Dad & Fay (just waiting for Yorkie to get the same from his boss) so that was all good - and it meant that Jack got to have a ride in the boss's nice blue jag!

On Tue the health visitor came over to see how we're doing and check on Jack's cold - the conclusion was that we're doing just fine. And then Kathy popped in with baby Katie. Mum came over on Wednesday and took me and Yorkie out for lunch. Thurs' massage class wasn't much good. Poor Jack cried and just wanted loving, but at least I got to have a cup of tea this time! Debs came over in the afternoon and Jack was introduced to the Ann Summers store on town while she picked out some new undies to impress her new feller with.

Friday was a lovely day, although Jack slept through most of it. It started off duff with us turning up to a baby session which had changed days and I hadn't noticed (it's not one I go to often and it changes each month apparently) so wasn't on, but we met up with Jen and her lad Adam (who was dressed in his Spider-man suit - I wish I had some photos!) and went to the park for a while and had a pic-nic and then back to mine for a DVD.

Today was supposed to be Fairfield Funday. We were going and meeting up with Jen & kids, Jill & Gary & Kids and Chrissy & Kids. But this morning it was raining sheet water! So we wound up cancelling, although Jill did invite us round for the afternoon (Jen & Chrissy did stuff too, we didn't just ditch them!)

Jack seems to be felling better now too. He's gone to bed without needing his drops and has been very playful all evening. Even having a damn good go at getting to his daddy! This kid REALLY wants to be walking!


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