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Wedding Anniversary!

Wow! A whole year! Our first Wedding Anniversary!

I could go on about what a year it has been etc, but you all know it all anyway if you've been reading this, hee hee. Needless to say I'm thrilled to bits!

We've had a fun day of it too. Yorkie brought me breakfast in bed this morning just as Jack was finishing his breakfast (which is always in bed. Alright for some!) along with a card, a cute teddy (from Jack) and my half eternity ring that I have been hinting heavily for since before baba came into the world. Well, actually we went into town yesterday and bought it, but it was given to me in it's box properly this morning! I also got a DS card with recipes n stuff I'd been drooling over as an early prez a couple of days ago.

My gifts for Yorkie were not quite so romantic - I didn't think romance and mush would be as thrilling for him. I (along with Jack) bought him all 5 of Bottom Live on DVD. He's been trying to watch them on the Dave channel for weeks but keeps falling asleep (combination of them being on late and Jack getting us up early). And a card of course.

The three of us went out to Conder Green and The Stalk for lunch (Jack's fave pub by now I think) and then took a walk into Glasson and the Smoke House. Glasson Fate was on today so the weather was awful! In fact, just as we started to walk back to Conder Green it started to rain, then it started to thunder and lightning too! Lucky Jack has his prams rain over. Me and Yorkie had our hoodies. Yorkie had no shirt on under his! (Don't ask why, I don't know). It's a long walk in the pelting rain and humidity of a summer storm, with a baby who is miffed that he can't see out because of the condensation on his rain cover and threatens to cry by shouting and yelling (bless) until one of us clears it a bit.

Still, you have to laugh, don't you.

Once home and dry (in my case into my PJs and staying that way) we watched some Bottom Live, and then the season finalle of Dr Who (coz we missed it yesterday giving Jack his bath) and spent the rest of the evening chilling out.



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