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Growing up fast

Our lad Jack...

I can't get over how much he's changed this last few weeks.

He's been sleeping through the night now for about 2 1/2 weeks, which is wonderful! We put him down about 8.30pm and that's it until 6.30am, with the occasional feed as we're going to bed if we wake him up by mistake.

He's crawling forwards now, first just a couple of little crawl steps, then - once he had the right motivation - really motoring forwards. Take last weekend for example. We went to stay with Jenny for the weekend and see the family. On the Sunday we went for lunch at my mother-in-laws and little Alex had Jack's juice cup. Jack was not impressed since I had taken it off him (so he wouldn't fill up on juice and not eat his lunch which he's good at doing). He growled and stomped across the floor to snatch it back!

He's got two teeth now too! Both front ones on the bottom gum. He's taken to wanting to feed himself too. He's pretty good with his tommy tippy juice cup, trys to wrangle the bottle out of his daddy's hand, and would rather stuff food into his own mouth than be spoon fed by anyone! And he's eating proper food. We hardly blend anything up for him now, chop it up small, but not blended.

And just tonight while I was down on the floor playing with him (other wise known as not letting him play with the nappy sack containing the dirty nappy I just took off him) he pulled himself upright! Supporting his weight on his own two little feet, with just my hand hovering over his bum at the ready to steady him if he fell. Which he didn't!

I can't get over how amazing our little lad is. Every day he's different, more wonderful, more fun. I just want to spend all day at home playing games with him.


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