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Poorly car, may be terminal

So I picked Gary up for work this morning, filled up the car with petrol, and set of for the Park. A little under half way along the motor way Gary says "What's that smell?", and taking a breath I hoped (and said) it might be something outside. Next thing, Gary is swearing and there s smoke coming up from under the passenger side. And we're passing road works! No where to stop!

First chance I get I pull over and we get out to see what's wrong with the car. Nothing blocking the exhaust, nothing wrong with the tires, and then a little puff of smoke from under the middle of the car, again, passenger side. So we bobbed down to have a look....

And it's leaking oil like it's going out of fashion!

1st call to the boss to say "No car, no managers. Help!" and arrange a lift for Gary to get to the Park. 2nd call, AA. 3rd call... my dear hubby.

Less than 10 mins later AA are with us, and Gary gets picked up my Ian and whisked off to work. AA Man cannot see where the leak is from, but hopes it's just a bust valve round the gear box.

No such luck! Garage says "Either £1000 for a new gear box, plus fitting etc, or £100 plus vat + oil if I find a 2nd hand one" Not much of a choice, is it? So with some sound advice from Richard at the garage (and he's never failed me yet) I start to track down a gear box. Target price £100 - £200, with minimum 1 month guarantee. With postage/delivery on top.

I think I might have one! It's coming from Preston. I'll know for sure on Monday.

But even then.... how long before that goes too?

Boss came to see me, and made an offer I will have to seriously consider. Naturally, there is an up and a down side to the offer. It all hinges on how badly I want a car, vs. how much stress I am willing to take on.


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