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Oh.... today could have been so much. And turned out to be not much at all. Thursday is supposed to be swimming baths day. I try to go with Jen and Kathy and the kiddies. I've been on my own once, and with Jen once. But between us things like work and illness have prevented us from doing it that often. Today Kath was working, and Jen's done her back in. So instead of swimming I suggested me and Jen went to Preston for the morning. We could have a look round Toys R Us and so on, have some lunch....

We set of well enough with Jack and Conner in the kiddie seats on the back. Only we didn't quite make it out of town. As we came through Galgate Conner started coughing. As we came out of Galgate he brought his entire breakfast back up, and some of last nights tea too I think. Poor wee mite is very, very car sick!

So we went back to Jens and the boys played with fuzzy felts and cars while we had a cuppa and a natter.

Then I started to fell grim too. I managed to get home and make sandwiches for the 3 of us before Jack got tired and went to bed. Then I went to see Jane, but she was running half an hour late and i wound up talking to Mike about work for half an hour instead (after already talking to Ian for 25 mins on the phone while I was at Jens).

By the time I was home again I was feeling really off. Heart burn, nausia, the works. Much earlier than I got with Jack. When it came to tea time and cooking the chicken breasts we'd defrosted... well, lets say I don't know how I got through making them without dashing to the loo to be sick. Again, I had this last time, but not as soon as this.

Think I'll be having a bath and an early night tonight!


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