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Floods & Cars

I've had very little happen the last few weeks. Mainly because I have had no car, which really puts a cramp on my activities. The weather has been fowl too so I've not wanted to go trekking about on foot too much either. It comes to something when the most interesting thing that has happened has been me falling out with the insurers about how much they should be paying me for my car. £1100! Cheeky swines! I'll be having more than THAT thank you very much!

But this week has been a little more colourful! My dad's over for a start, which is always entertaining! Fay is still suffering with her broken arm. She has a proper pot cast now instead of the semi-soft one which was causing her pain. My dad is recovering from a nasty bout of Labyrinthitis too (which he tells everyone about) so between them driving is... well... interesting. In fact, while they've been on this side of the hills I have been driving the hire car for them.

I should have been working this weekend. Certainly Fri and tomorrow (Mon) and probably Sat too... but the site I work at is in Cumbria, on the A591, and with the floods work was cancelled. In fact, the whole site is closed for at least a MONTH with a huge percentage of the lodges we cleaned underwater and ruined. They're looking at around 5.5 million of damage on that park alone! (look at photo 11 on this link for my site. The last photo is really funny too!) I was talking to one of the bosses there yesterday who was telling me that they had been out in a dingie at 3am rescuing people from the lake side units. My staff are all panicking because they're worried they'll be out of a work so close to Christmas so we're all into the office on Monday to relocate them for the foreseeable. Not an easy task, inventing a dozen or more jobs.

Mind you, all the time off this weekend has given us the chance to go and find a potential new car for us. Money is tight, I'm not getting that much back from the insurers. Dad's chipping in a substantial amount (very kindly, especially since I haven't asked for a penny off him). He was talking about us spending 4 grand thinking that both my mum and Marks mum would chip in too before I pointed out that not everyone has £1000 just lying around! And no, I wasn't about to ask them for it either! Instead we have found a sensibly priced car (£2495 on the ticket, less with bargaining!). It's not sexy, it's young, it's not flash. It's not even yellow. But my local garage says it's sound, and it has the correct number of wheels, seats and doors etc. Hopefully it will be in my possession by the end of Monday, and when my insurance money comes through I'll send that back to daddy-dearest. That'll cover half of the asking price in it self so I don't think we're doing too badly.

I'll save telling/showing you what it is until the deal is done and the car is at home!


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