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Originally uploaded by chiggster
In this photo you can see a FEW of Jack's presents. This does not count the ones we couldn't fit in the car, those from Uncle Bob & Auntie Rach, all the stuff that's still at Nana's from her, Grandad John and his family, OR the stuff we'll be buying in the New Year with the money Mamee and Pappee sent over..... Can anyone say "Spoiled Rotten"?

I can safely say I am DREADING next year with 2 kiddies worth of gifts. I may hire a lorry.

We have had a lovely Christmas. We made it away to my mums late the night before Christmas eve by fighting through the snow and ice and woke up to a blanket of snow on Christmas Eve morning. It all looked lovely! After from brecky we took off for Jenny's and made decent time given the weather (which, just for once, was LESS snowy on the Yorks side of the hills...)

Christmas day was really nice, with a mountain of presents for Jack, a scrummy dinner cooked by Jenny, and then a trip over to Grandad and Grandma Dee's for tea. Jack went round having a "taste" of eveyones drinks... until he was a little merry! Whoops! When we got back to Jenny's he was bursting into everyones bedrooms and shouting "Rahh!" as he dove onto their bed! He slept until 10am next morning!

On Boxing Day Bob & Rach came over and we we all went to Grandma Kates. My camera started to act up so I don't have as many photos as I would have liked, but we got a few. Alex and Jack had fun playing on the slide in the back garden and pinching crisps from the buffet!

The next day we we called in on Rachel & Garry and the kids. Jack's had a taste of sharing toys, and doesn't like it. (Think we're going to need some more practice pretty soon!)

Monday we thought we'd better start heading back to my said of the hills, so we stopped in on Grandad & Dee, and Grandma and Dave one last time for this festive season and made the drive back to Nana's - ready for phase 2 of the present opening! There was another mountain of toys, books and jumpers at Nana's from her, John and John's family.

We had a chilled out day and Nana's watching some of the DVDs we got and letting Jack run himself out tearing around the house and after a couple of nights thought we really should go home before New Year....

So here we are. Jack's asleep in bed. My hubby is busy trying to build HIS last present (A work bench, which is living up to his name. It's been an hour and a half and it's still only half built, hee hee). When Jack wakes up he can have his last few bits - the ones that wouldn't fit in the car to take away. But most of all, we're looking forward to a night in our own bed. Going away is brilliant, but there's no place like home... and your own comfy old bed :oD


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