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Consultants appointment

So I had my consultants appointment today. I have issues with my kidneys that they wanted to check up on, and also because they considered Jack to be "big".

Apparently he was 4.4 kilo (I only do lb & oz) and if he's 4.5 he'd have crossed some threshold or other.... Don't fully understand. But the consultant is worried that this baby might also be big. Bigger even. And if it looks like I'm going to have a bigger baby this time she's implied that I should opt for a section.

I don't want a section.

The alternative being (again, if baby is big) an early induction. Like 37 - 38 weeks. IF my cervix is soft enough.

A better idea.... but still not ideal! I want to do this relatively naturally! (as in GIMMI DRUGS for the pain, but let baby some when baby is ready, and out door nature provided!)

I had a 3rd degree tear with Jack which has caused some fiber damage to my bum (making going to the loo difficult if I get even so much as a hint of constipation), and this could happen again and even be worse. Even if this baby is smaller.

I'm being checked out for gestational diabetes too. They checked me for this time and again with Jack and I never had it. I just ate a lot of sugar (3 packs of Jaffa cakes in a single sitting. Often! Hence FAT BABY!) but this time I don't have the sugar craving so apart from some choccy (no more than I usually have) and the Honey Hoops I've been eating I'm not on a sugar overload. I'm 100% certain it'll come up fine.

So I'm a little miffed. At no point was my belly measured - or even TOUCHED - so there's nothing I know of to go on about Squiggle being big, apart from Jack being big. I thought the deal was Every Baby Is Different ... !

But on the bright side, I do get 2 more scans! One at 28 weeks and the other at 36. So I get to see my Squiggle again BEFORE the Big Day!


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