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Giddy about Squiggle

It's all really starting to sink in! And I'm getting really giddy about it!

As of today we are 20 weeks gone.... with 20 weeks to go! (give or take)

The 20 week scan is on Thu morning, and I MIGHT JUST find out what we're having, but don't worry, I'll keep it to myself!

Tomorrow Kate & Dave are going to pick up & pay for our pram.

I only have 4 more working days left before maternity leave.

It's all sooooo real now! For the first 18 weeks or so this whole pregnancy didn't feel real at all. Now it's all I can think about!

I've started a poll about gender too, here's the link: and here's a few bits of info that might help you decide:

  • Hubby's family is predominantly male (or so I am told) and it is apparently his half of the baby making chemicals that determine gender
  • I feel VERY different this pregnancy, and only have a boy to compare against
  • 1st Tri Cravings: processed meat, rice with cheese.
  • 2nd Tri Cravings: Cereal, toast, noodles (cheapo curry ones), apple squash
  • Aversions: Tea & Coffee, smell of cigs (aka smell of my hubby - oops!)
  • Showing early & high, but is 2nd baba, so early is normal.
  • Kicks mostly on my right, first confirmed kicks 18-19 weeks
  • Not significant weight gain (only 5lb of a possible upto 14lb at this stage), in fact non-preggy-belly bits actually look & feel slimmer!
  • Dry skin & lips, but hair is not greasy


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