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Double figures - last post till March

This is something of a mini milestone when the countdown drops into double figures.... For some reason it just all seems that much closer and more real!

Tomorrow we'll be 26 weeks gone, so that's just 14 weeks until the due date... 12 weeks until they *might* bring Squiggle into the world early, 16 weeks until they drag Squiggle out regardless of if Squiggle want's to come! I'm hoping Squiggle will choose to come at a sensible time without any forced intervention. If we could manage something similar to Jack (are you listening Squigs?), a nice handful of days early, all by your self... that would be perfect! (wont happen like that!)

This is really a short farewell post, as tomorrow I am scooting off to mums for a bit. It'll be March next time I'm on the blog, and I might even be in my 3rd Trimester (unless I sneak on the computer on Thursday when I call up to see Mark).

I'm really looking forward to having Jack all to myself for a few days (aside from mum, but she's working for a lot of the time) and I have planned trips to the park, the kiddie library, and we might even check out the new(ish) swimming baths since I have never been to them. I think a change of scene will do us both good.

So, until March, and 3rd Tri.... TTFN!


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