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I keep doing too much!!

Urgh.... I am SO tired.

I'm wanting to do stuff. I don't know if it's nesting that's kicked in early, or if I am just going nuts because I'm not at work, or what.... but I want to DO things. And I keep forgetting that this baby doesn't like me doing much. But I feel bad lounging on the sofa while Mark does all the clearing and refurbishing of Jack's room.

On Saturday I went through a load of stuff in our bedroom and the middle room (which will become Jack's room) and made up a car load of stuff to go to the tip, only to find out the car battery is dead and I can't replace it yet.

Sunday I went a little nuts and blitz the kitchen and living room, then baked two loves of bread (properly, no bread making machines in THIS house) and cooked a full roast dinner.

Yesterday I took things a bit more gentley and had a friend round with her little girl which meant the kids could entertain each other while we put our feet up and gossiped. But clearing up the mess aftwards was a bit exhausting! Mark got us a take-away because I'd forgotten to get anything out of the freezer and was too tired to think about what to cook. I had an early night, but woke up when he came to bed and then didn't back off until ater 1am.

Today I walked Jack into the town and did some food shopping and bused back. I think it would have been easier to walk back.... There is clearly a knack to getting a tired and hungry toddler, shopping, and pram onto a mini-bus while trying to keep your bump out of everyone else's way. I don't have this knack. AT ALL! And a granny had to help me both on and off the bus (Oh the shame! I'm usually so organised at such things! But thank you granny!)

I am now so tired that I could sleep standing up. But if I do I wont sleep tonight.

((tantrum, stamp feet)) <-- It works for Jack. He always get's to go to bed when he does that >_<;


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