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Insulation Part 1

The chaps came round today to put in the carverty insulation. They did a quick and tidy job and we're both pretty happy with it. Mark swears he feels warmer already.

Unfortunately they came round right in the middle of Jack's nap and it woke him up. So all afternoon we have had over tired, grumpy, whiney Jack. Top that off with grumpy over tired poorly mummy and you have a pretty stressed out afternoon! He refused to go back down for another sleep after they had gone and has wound up in bed early tonight as a result. He's been nipping us and throwing his toys about. Not behaviours I am going to tollerate when I'm feeling peachy, let alone when all I want to do is be sick or go to sleep! So it was a firm telling off from both mummy and daddy, and off to bed.

I might not be far behind him actually. I started off so well this morning too, packing up boxes and moving stuff out of the middle bedroom ready to start redecorating.... Aside from Jack being likely to wake up early tomorrow now he's in bed half an hour early I am shattered and just need to rest this bump which has been booting me all afternoon. I have a new wedge shaped bump support to try out too so that I hopefully wont have to build a fortress out of pillows just to get comfortable at night.

Night night all (and yes, it is only about 7pm.... )


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