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Insulation Part 2

Had another chappy in today to sort out the loft! Ooooh! The house is lovely and warm now! (not that it was cold to start with, but now it's toasty!) Mark is a little worried about putting stuff BACK in the loft though because there is SO MUCH insulation in there now that you can't see the beams :oS

Mark has pulled 17 boxes of stuff and two suitcases out of the loft. And a window. No idea where the window has come from, or what it was for. It's getting tipped! As for the boxes and suitcases.... I have no idea! Some of it looks like my ex's stuff! Well that can all go, simple as. If he wanted it he would have taken with him, and I certainly don't have any use for Kylie videos or Blackburn Rovers momorabilia. I haven't dared look inside the suitcases!

In truth, most of this stuff has been there since I moved in back in June/July 2000. Some of it was already there when I moved in! If I have gone the last 9 1/2 years without giving it a second thought I imagine most of it can go. Mark found a box of plastic dinosaurs which are worth cleaning up and giving to Jack so I will have a mooch through just in case. Some of it will be old college work and school work, but it's got damp and is likely to be mouldy so I don't really want to be keeping that.

The other side to this though, is that all these boxes and things are in Jack's big boy room.... so I really need to get a move on and sift through it so that I can clear that room. I really want that room ready by his birthday.... and that's only a month (and 2 days) away!


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