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Jack's First Potty Pee!

This is a milestone day! Jack now loves to sit on his potty and be read to. We've been doing this for the better part of a week now and he's really liking it. This morning he sat on his potty and waved a book at me, so I grabbed a handful of books and sat with him after helping him take his trousers down and removing his nappy (note to self: buy pull up pants next week!)

Just as I finished the last book he scooted backwards (laminate flooring, so he can scoot a long way on a potty) and had a look of concentaition on his face. Then I noticed a small pool next the potty.

He'd managed to pee in the potty, but had also tugged his winky out of the side of his potty and the last bit was on the floor. I mopped that up and gave him chance to finish, but when he saw me wiping he cried. I think he thought he was going to told off. So I hugged him and called him a good boy saying it was so good that he'd done a wee in his potty. I made a bug fuss of him and gave him a little bag of choccy buttons which cheered him up.

I hope this isn't just a one-off for my big grown up boy.


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