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Viable today!

Today Squiggle is 24 weeks! That means we are Viable! Naturally I don't want this baby to come just yet, another 14 - 18 weeks is fine. But it's nice to know that should something happen and we go into labour early, there is now a chance the Squiggle would live (and also that the medical people would TRY to save the wee baba).

Had a busy day today. Yesterday we had planned to do so much, but with having to get a new battery for the car and everything else we only did a fraction of it. So today we got up relatively early and made it into town for 10am (mainly because daddy cottoned on that it's Valentines day tomorrow.....) and did some stuff like buy some under-bed storage boxes, a few more bits for Jack's birthday, some thread for my sewing. Mark did his shopping. We had lunch at KFC. And then trawled round B&Q getting stuff to decorate Jack's big boy room with (blue and cream paint, Cars border). When we got back Jack went for his afternoon nap, and I passed out on the sofa for 3 hours!!!!!

It also means that daddy cooked tea! Yay! I'm having a pretty good day today!


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