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We have a confirmed case of Chicken Pox

After a rough night poor Jack was up, showered, lotioned and dressed in time to go off to the docs for 10.30 - despite the powercut that affected the whole street and all the way down to the Spar.

The doc took one look at Jack's belly and agreed that it was Chicken Pox. And that the waxy ears and grumpiness in the run up to the blisters showing was all part of it. I said we were giving him calpol and calamine lotion and he said that was exactly right. His appitie should be back in a few days and in the meantime letting him have the fruit he wants and plenty of drinks is fine. We've also been given some piritin for him which he canhave a night to help sooth any itch and help him sleep.

On the plus side, since the highest concentration on blisters has been inside his nappy, we have been able to get Jack to sit on his potty a lot. We needed him to get some fresh air to those parts to help the blisters heal, and since he's a little tired and clingy, getting him to sit on his potty and read some books has been easy. He's not actually "used" his potty yet, but he's getting the idea that sitting on it without a nappy on and reading a book or playing with a toy is a nice thing to do. So here's hoping somthing good comes out of this.


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